I was just remembering the day my daughter came home from church and said that her teacher would not answer her questions. They were too silly or too awkward or too off base — or something. That was a long time ago. I told her no questions were off limits to God and she could bring them home and I would treat them with respect and journey into an answer to them with her. This is what God does for me. He invites all of us to ask our questions — to bring them to him; and then the journey begins. The title given to the journey identifies the category of wisdom we are to acquire.
I knew then and still know that we do not outgrow the need to ask questions nor does Jesus ever tire of the questions we bring (James 1:5). His answers work into our minds like food works into the body — more slowly than we realize; and the nourishment often goes unnoticed because our need disappears in secret. And with each new need the process starts over again. So we keep eating. We keep asking. And we go about dissolving our energy only to find that there is what seems to be — an infinite supply (Job chapters 1-42; John 6:53-58).
I am writing this in the early afternoon of a fine day bathed in sunshine and glimmering with the prospect that February is eventually followed by Spring.
“Now if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God — who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly — and it will be given to him” James 1:5
© Wm. Stephen Williams, 2/9/2022